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Device Engineer

欧洲-比利时 |1-3年经验 |本科学历
年终奖金 绩效奖金 公司规模大 管理规范 定期体检
2023-11-08 更新被浏览:
到岗时间:随时 婚况要求:不限婚况

职责描述: Main activity: design, development and troubleshooting of all Softhale inhalation devices and necessary manufacturing and test processes in accordance with Softhale requirements and regulatory guidelines. 任职要求: Work Content: • Generating design solutions and concepts. • Undertaking root cause analysis activities. • Physical testing, analysis and interpretation of data using state-of-the art tools and methodology, as required. • Developing test methods, as required. • Developing proof-of-concept demonstrators, as required. • Evaluating and proposing robust engineering design solutions to drive continuous improvement and/or new concept developments, using a variety of tools including CAD, CAE, Moldflow, prototyping etc. • Presenting proposed design solutions to co-workers and third party manufacturers. • Liaising and providing technical advice to third-party designers, developers, test-houses and manufacturing partners. • Managing third-party designers, developers, test-houses and manufacturers to deliver On agreed work packages. • Generating test reports and documentation to communicate and record activities. • Reviewing/approving design specifications and change control documentation. • Maintaining current design data (3D/2D) and back-up storage. • Maintaining personal training file in accordance with the company’s Quality Management System. Education • Bachelor or Masters in Engineering Technology • Industrial Science / Electromechanics Previous Work experience Experience with project engineering for Inhalers including execution, planning, validation, development, reporting and managing of tests ((for example) testing for vibrations, climate tests, endurance testing,..) • Working On development of new concepts which are not yet On the market • Collaboration On design (might be in collaboration with CAD Engineers) • Product testing • Experience in medical device regulation (nice to have)

郭经理 人事部 聊一聊
最近在线时间:2022-05-22 15:05
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正大制药集团 从二十世纪九十年代起,正大集团将自己多年积累的投资管理经验应用于中国的制药业,先后控股、参股了二十余家医药企业,顺利完成了向蓬勃发展的健康产业的成功转型,它的直接成果就是今天的正大制药集团。如今,从秦巴山区到齐鲁大地,从关中平原到黄海之滨,都分布着正大制药集团控股参股的医药企业,这些企业在正大制药集团参与投资后的数年间,都取得了迅猛的发展,成为中国制药企业中的佼佼者;通过引进灵活的激励机制,激活医药销售网络,正大制药集团对中国国有医药企业进行了卓有成效的改造,培育起医药市场新的企业巨人,创造了诸多经典范例。2005年江苏正大天晴药业股份有限公司和北京泰德制药有限公司在中国医药工业企业年利润总额排名中均荣列前50强。正大制药集团在发展壮大的过程中,与中国的企业和员工共同分享医药工业发展的成果,有力地提升了中国大众的健康水平。 2000年9月29日,正大制药集团将在山东正大福瑞达制药有限公司、江苏正大天晴药业股份有限公司和杭州正大青春宝药业有限公司中的优质资产以中国生物制药有限公司(股票代号:8027)的身份在香港联合交易所创业板成功上市,正大制药集团由此进入一个新的发展阶段。中国生物制药有限公司于二零零三年十二月八日成功转至香港联合交易所主板上市,股份代号为1177。作为卜蜂—正大集团的二级集团,正大制药集团得到这一在东南亚地区最具规模企业集团的全力支持,并得以充分利用正大集团在中国多年的投资实践所积累的丰富经验,竭诚为繁荣中国的医药卫生事业而努力工作。 中国经济的飞速发展,使海外华人倍受鼓舞,正大制药集团对中国的发展前景充满信心,并将继续坚定不移地推进在中国的投资战略,集团坚信,只要竭力发挥中外双方各自的优势,就能够以一流的人才、一流的设备、一流的管理,为顾客生产出一流的产品,为人类的健康作出卓越的贡献,同时也为合营双方创造令人满意的经济效益。 爱会带给你无限温暖,也会带给你快乐和健康 ,秉承正大集团的价值观念和企业文化,我们相信,拥有健康,才能享受快乐,通过积极投身参与中国的医药产业,正大制药集团愿与更多的伙伴和顾客分享快乐。 CHIA TAI PHARMACEUTICAL GROUP Since the 1990s, Chia Tai Group has adopted the many-year-accumulated investing and managing experience into the pharmacy in China. It has charged or shared ten medical enterprises successively, and has successfully finished the conversion to the flourishing exuberant industry. The direct harvest is Chia Tai Pharmaceutical Group today. Nowadays, the medical enterprises held or shared by Chia Tai Pharmaceutical Group widely situate at many cities of China, from the mountainous area of Qinba to the area of Qilu, from the plain of Guanzhong to the shore of Yellow Sea. These enterprises have developed rapidly during the period of investment of Chia Tai Pharmaceutical Group, and have become the outstanding Ones among pharmacy enterprises in China. By introducing flexible inspiring mechanism for people and activating the sale network, Chia Tai Pharmaceutical Group has fruitfully reformed nation-owned medical enterprises of China, and also has cultivated a new giant in the medical market. It has created a good many classical paradigms, for example each of the after-tax profits for both Jiang Su Chia Tai-TianQing Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd and Beijing Tide Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has ranked among the first-one-hundred place in all the pharmaceutical enterprises in China. During the booming of Chia Tai Pharmaceutical Group, it shares the developmental fruits of medical industry with Chinese enterprises and employees and has greatly increased the healthy level of ordinary Chinese population. In September 29th, 2000, Chia Tai Pharmaceutical Group successfully listed in the stock market---the Growth Enterprise Market of the Stock Exchange of HONG KONG Limited by the name of Sino Biopharmaceutical Ltd (stock No. 8027),.This listed company was consisted of the high quality assets of the Group. They included Shan Dong Chia Tai Freda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd, Jiang Su Chia Tai-TianQing Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd and Hang Zhou Chia Tai Qing Chun Bao Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. Since then, Chia Tai Pharmaceutical Group has entered a new developing period. In March 12, 2002, Sino Biopharmaceutical Limited listed On the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (Stock Code number 1177). As a second level group of Choroen Pokphand – Chia Tai Group, Chia Tai Pharmaceutical Group has received the all-out support from this largest scale enterprise group in Southeast Asia, and has gained the opportunity to make full use of the rich experience of Chia Tai Group during the many-year investment practice in China in order to wholeheartedly make efforts for the flourish of the medical health service in China. The fast development of Chinese economy makes Chinese living abroad greatly inspirited, and Chia Tai Pharmaceutical Group is fully confident of the prospect of the development of China. It will unswervingly continue its investment stratagem in China. The Group believes that as long as it brings into full play of the advantages of both China and foreign countries, it will be able to manufacture the top-ranking products for customers by the high-class talented people, equipment and management, and be able to make distinguishing contributions to the health of human beings and at the same time to create satisfying economical interests for both sides of the copartner. Love will bring you infinite warmth as well as happiness and health. Taking the Chia Tai Group’s view of value and enterprise culture, we believe that Only possessing health One can enjoys happiness. By energetically taking part in Chinese medical industry, Chia Tai Pharmaceutical Group is ready to share happiness with more partners and customers.
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